Hayah Center

Excellence in addiction and mental health treatment: customized programs and deep experience

  • We determine the treatment program that is specifically developed to suit each case.
  • We have experience in the field of addiction treatment and psychotherapy, which qualifies us to accurately identify the problem and develop treatment programs for it.
  • A group of the most skilled doctors with a high degree of professionalism and the highest level in the field of addiction treatment and psychiatry.
looking forward in Our vision For our centers to be pioneers in providing the highest levels Psychotherapy andBehavior Modification andaddiction cure Achieving the equation between good service, moderate cost and complete confidentiality, contributing to building a society free of addiction and also aware of the nature of mental illness.

Our centers

خدمات متميزة تقدمها مراكزنا للرعاية والعلاج

 Global House of Hope

 International House of Hope  International House of Hope Get medical advice in...

Al-Hayat Center for Addiction Treatment

Al-Hayat Center for Addiction Treatment Al-Hayat Center Get medical advice in...

Aram Center for Psychiatry and Addiction Treatment

Aram Center for Psychiatry and Addiction Treatment Aram Center Get a consultation...

Hayaty Center

Hayati Center for Psychological Care and Women's Addiction Treatment... Hayati Center...

Stages of addiction treatment

The steps for treating addiction to recovery begin with knowing what are the methods of treating addiction and the nature of the treatment program that the addiction patient will undergo.
  • الخطوة الأولى : مرحلة الفحص والتقييم الشامل للحالة
  • الخطوة الثانية : طرد السموم من الجسم وتعرف باسم “مرحلة الديتوكس
  • الخطوة الثالث : إعادة التأهيل النفسي والسلوكي
  • الخطوة الأخيرة : المتابعة الدورية بعد التعافي
The sooner you seek addiction treatment, the sooner you will avoid the harms of drugs and the more they will enable you to control your life. So, quickly seek help from specialists in one of our specialized centers.
  • Comprehensive examination and evaluation stage

When you decide to begin your addiction recovery journey, it may require obtaining a comprehensive diagnosis and evaluation, which is done by a psychiatrist who specializes in addiction treatment cases.
  • The stage of expelling toxins from the body with detox

Although there is no specific medicine to treat addiction, there are many options involved in treating addiction and making you recover from drugs forever
  • Psychological and behavioral rehabilitation stage

Some may think that going through withdrawal symptoms safely is the most important stage in the steps of addiction treatment until recovery.
  • Follow-up stage after recovery

The Life Center is interested in following up with the patient after recovery as well, as the recovery journey does not end with obtaining addiction treatment

Types of addiction

تعرف على أنواع الإدمان وطرق علاجها في مراكزنا

Captagon addiction

 International House of Hope  International House of Hope Get medical advice in......

Cannabis addiction

 Types of Addiction  Cannabis Addiction Cannabis Addiction Cannabis causes addiction, unlike...


 Types of Addiction Cocaine Cocaine In 2017 statistics estimated the number of opioid addicts...


 Types of Addiction  Alcohol Addiction Alcoholism Alcoholism Treatment You Need...


 Types of Addiction Tramadol Tramadol Tramadol addiction treatment is done without pain and suffering...


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